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Revenge Travel Series: Coron, Palawan

Post by Kia Paredes "Revenge travel"  is a term that is quite popular in social media nowadays. It essentially means making up for lost travel time due to the pandemic. After borders around the world were closed, all of us were stale, steady, and stuck. We were all uncertain about how the future will unfold as the COVID-19 pandemic took over our normal, daily lives. From 2020 until 2021, we were just with loved ones and closest friends since Covid was considered widespread. We were not able to travel as much as we would want to and I am sure that we, at some point, were all afraid that life just stopped. Personally, I was afraid that I was not living my life at my prime. I made a pact to myself that when this fiasco begins to take a slower pace, I am going to travel the world again---but this time I'll be using my own earnings. 2022 was a pivotal year for living life to the fullest once more. Hence, I'm starting this Revenge Travel series given that I slowly ticked of

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